No, we do not charge booking fees or extra to communicate with our travel advisors unless it is specifically written on your itinerary, which almost never happens. In fact, you will usually save both time and money while gaining expert advice, professional logistical assistance, and secure reservations and payment methods. In exchange for advertising, promotion, and the high number of reservations we bring, we earn a commission from partner hotels and tour operators. The individual rates we provide are the same as their retail prices. However, you will often save money as we can offer discounts by packaging your vacation.
Why should I choose Pacific Trade Winds?
What is assisted independent travel?
Will I be able to change my itinerary after I reserve it?
Do I pay an additional fee for your services?
Can I receive a discount by reserving through your company?
How long will it take before I receive a confirmation?
What if something unexpected happens or goes wrong?
What is the cancellation policy?
What are vouchers and how do I use them?
Do you provide international flights?
What languages does your staff speak?
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