As Costa Rica is a tropical climate there are mosquitoes year round. However, they are more prevalent between the months of May through October. There are not many mosquitoes in high altitude destinations such as Poas Volcano, Monteverde, San Gerardo de Dota, and other mountain destinations due to cool overnight temperatures. Mosquitoes are more common in beach areas.
Mosquitoes are most active around dusk and dawn. Prevent your risk of being bit by closing doors and unscreened windows between 4 PM and 8 AM. Use insect repellent with 30 - 50% DEET. You can also reduce your risk of exposure to mosquitoes by wearing long pants, a long sleeve shirt, hat and socks and shoes.
What should I do if there is an emergency?
Is it safe to swim at Costa Rican beaches?
Will I need specific vaccinations or malaria pills?
Are there a lot of mosquitoes in Costa Rica?
How can I prevent mosquito-borne illnesses?
Is there a lot of crime in Costa Rica?
Will I have access to medical facilities?
Will I have access to medicine if I need it?
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